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Educational Content

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In ADATOMS we strongly believe that education and access to information is a fundamental human right and that the spread of information on intself due to entropic reasons is just a natural process; hence we pledge to share our knowledge with the community, FOR FREE.

All our lectures and classes will always be of the highest technical level, without ever being boring or getting too complex!


Everybody can be a scientist. You can be a scientist too! And I will prove it to you.

Y si eres latino o de habla hispana, ¡no creas que nos hemos olvidado de ti! Tenemos una serie especial de podcasts de educación financiera especialmente dedicados para la comunidad latina.

Cardano High Science


Cardano High Science is a live science lecture hosted on Twitter Spaces as a way of giving free StonerZ Science Wisdom to all our #Stoners in the #Cardano community.
SEASON 1 is finished and it gives you all the basics of science you need to know to truly understand the universe. 
SEASON 2 is about the science behind substances and harm reduction.
All our lectures are available for free here in our webpage and will always be. They are of course uploaded into the Cardano blockchain for permanent, costless access!!!
If you are one of our #ADATOMS holders, you will get this and other educational content dropped to you as NFTs!

SEASON 2 of our podcast will be hosted together with @bigjoethedon and the #CardanoStonerzClub! DON'T MISS IT! Check our schedules!

DeFi-nitivamente educativo!


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DeFi-nitivamente educativo es una serie de podcasts de educación financiera decentralizada creados por @AdatomsNFTs con la participación de invitados expertos en sus materias. La idea de esta serie es entregar todo el conocimiento necesario para poder involucrarse en el mundo de las financias y especialmente las finanzas descentralizadas. Para esto, partimos desde el inicio. Nuestro primer podcast es sobre "Valor y dinero". También pueden encontrar capítulos sobre: crédito y deuda, sistema bancario actual, ciclos de mercado e inflación, mercados de valores, shorting y burbujas financieras; para finalmente llegar a lo que nos interesa: blockchain, criptomonedas, NFTs y mucho más!


DeFi-ning Finances! is a Financial Education program focused on decentralized finances and blockchain, especially created for the #Cardano, #Crypto and #Blockchain community by @AdatomsNFTs.

With the constant company of guests of the highest level, we explore everything necessary to learn how to use blockchain and DeFi. But how do we do this? We start from ZERO.

Our first chapter will be a more philosophical discussion regarding the concepts of "value and money" to then go through the current banking system, stock markets, crisis and inflation, and finally, after analyzing all the problems of the current financial model, we will arrive to blockchain technology and we will study how this technology can solve these important problems. ​

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